Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Product Play: For Added Flavor

Let’s be honest. No one is peaches and sunshine all the time. Whether they have a sour attitude of a bitter taste romance can easily be squelched by these turn offs. The attitude cannot always be helped but flavored edible products can perk up the situation. It also helps that some of the products sold on the market can be multi-purpose.
Nipple Nibbler, while having an interesting name, is a gentle, edible stimulator. It is a thick gel that when applied gives a tingling sensation. This sensation increases blood flood to the area where it is used. Personally, I have found this product to be an effective substitute for chapstick. Nipple Nibbler also acts as a lip plumper.  It comes in a tub that will last for a significant amount of time.
For those that might feel awkward carrying a tub of Nipple Nibbler around there is Nipplicious which comes in a container that looks like standard chapstick. This makes for much more discrete use.
Both come in a variety of flavors to choose from.
The effectiveness of this product depends on the sensitivity of the user. I have never come across a “bad batch” but, there are people that require stronger products for the same result.
Bonus tip #1: This product can be used any place on the body that has sensitive nerves. The tingling can last for a good amount of time.
Bonus tip #2: Use either of these products before lipstick application to help retain moisture. These products can help your lips look fuller when used before lipstick application.

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