Friday, September 9, 2011

A Few Valuable Resources

Here are a few resources I have found to be by far the most amazing.

Talk Sex with Sue – Nurse for several decades and answering callers questions weekly.  This is why I miss having the Oxygen Channel.

The Guide to Getting it on - Informative and entertaining. I have no words for how fantastic this resource is. Check it out to see all its glory.

More to come…

Basic Massage Tools

1.       Oil or lotion – This lubricates the skin of the one receiving the massage as well as the hands giving to reduce friction. This can also moisturize skin as well.

2.       Large towels of Bath sheets – These serve to cover the person receiving the massage and soak up any excess oils.

3.       Lightweight blankets – It may sound strange but the experience begins before the massage. Warming some soft Light weight blankets can increase the sensations and promote relaxation.

4.       Pillows/cushions – Pillows help create a comfortable place to lie down but they accomplish much more. Pillows can be used to help position the person and assist in holding the position during the massage. Under the head and neck as well as under the knees are good when the receiver is on their back. One under the pelvis helps when they are on their stomach.

5.       Candles – Overhead lighting may be overwhelming in intimate situations. Lighting should be dim enough to promote calm but bright enough to still see.

6.       Music – No Eminem remixes allowed here. Massage music should be on low volumes and not require much thought (in other words minimal lyrics). Nature sounds can also work here too.

There are other items that can be included in massages such as massage gloves and warming hearts. These are not required for a massage but are good if you have them to add spice and pleasure later.

Note: Warm blankets, music and lighting are all related to atmosphere. As I said the experience begins before the massage.

A Fabulous Friday Kama Sutra Style

Welcome Back Sex Enthusiasts!

This post will, hopefully, make up for my missing Product Play and Toy Talk posts. It will also have some similarities to a Re-Making Monday post from a while back.

I am a huge fan of giving massages. I enjoy the sensation of toughing skin on skin, the release of endorphins that comes from the inherent intimacy that the act has and the diversity in the types of massage. No two cultures have exactly the same massage practices; therefore there are an infinite number of ways to mix it up in the bedroom, kitchen, garage, backyard or office. Just remember to lock the door when appropriate.

Finding techniques can be rather easy. All anyone has to do is type in massage in the YouTube search bar and look at what you get.

Finding supplies, or even knowing what you may need, is another story. There are an abundance of oils, crèmes, lotions, lubricants and so on that all make claims to be “massage” products. Personally, I recommend massage oils because many of them do not leave stick residue that can be counterproductive to the massage.

 If a person takes a shower after a massage it should be because they took the gesture a bit further, not because they feel greasy afterwards.

Kama Sutra is a brand of massage, and intimate, products I have been using long before I started selling it.  While it may come in larger bottles of set fragrances there are some creative solutions to that.

I suggest the larger bottle of the sweet almond Kama Sutra for the simple fact that it is very versatile. This comes in handy if you go to local dollar store and buy the cosmetic cylinders with the disc top lids. Pour the Kama Sutra oil into the smaller containers until they are three quarters (3/4) of the way full. Add desired essential oils and shake well. I add a little extra vitamin E oil to the containers before filling completely.

Now you paid for one bottle of oil but have gotten eight or more different oils out of it. This is great for a college student/ newlywed budget.

Dropping an fbomb for you

In case you have not realized by my style of posting I am a feminist. Yes, it is possible to be both male and feminist. In one of my Gender Studies classes yesterday we discussed "what is feminism?" This question can get some "interesting" answers. So, let me give my views on feminism and then I will explain why this has anything to do with a blog about sex.
These are thoughts that have developed since junior high/senior high school and have been refined since. All races, sexes, genders, nationalities, religious groups, sexual orientations etc are fully human and deserve the same rights and considerations. It is just that simple in my world.
The reason I explain this now is because I want to make this it clear that sexual/ relationship safety, education and knowledge should never be exclusive. The information I find and post is general for the sake of everyones benefit.
Now to share one of the blogs that was shared with me this week and I must encourage everyone to partake in the fbomb. This site is feminism at its finest.

Return of The Maniacal One

Greetings all,

I apologize for not posting for the past few months. There were a series of unfortunate events that got in the way. Long story short after regaining access to my gmail and then this blog  I am back with a new name and some new ideas. Since this in no longer being done for a class grade. *big grin* I have a few changes I am working on. Hopefully, it will be an improvement over what it was. I also plan to include links to articles that I find interesting and videos I want to share.

 Love, luck and Lollipops,
