Friday, September 9, 2011

Dropping an fbomb for you

In case you have not realized by my style of posting I am a feminist. Yes, it is possible to be both male and feminist. In one of my Gender Studies classes yesterday we discussed "what is feminism?" This question can get some "interesting" answers. So, let me give my views on feminism and then I will explain why this has anything to do with a blog about sex.
These are thoughts that have developed since junior high/senior high school and have been refined since. All races, sexes, genders, nationalities, religious groups, sexual orientations etc are fully human and deserve the same rights and considerations. It is just that simple in my world.
The reason I explain this now is because I want to make this it clear that sexual/ relationship safety, education and knowledge should never be exclusive. The information I find and post is general for the sake of everyones benefit.
Now to share one of the blogs that was shared with me this week and I must encourage everyone to partake in the fbomb. This site is feminism at its finest.

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