Sunday, February 20, 2011

Make it Sparkle

There seems to be a rather interesting investment in items that sparkle in this culture. From the shiny car that costs more than a house in the Hamptons to the shimmering rhinestone bellybutton barbell the sparkle fetish is in full swing. A little bit of shine here or there is not a bad thing but, there are those that take it just a little further.
The most “interesting” trend to cross my path was vajazzling, the practice of securing rhinestones to the lower abdomen and genital areas with some form of glue.  Wow! I would love to sit down for a cup of coffee with the brilliant minds that came up with gluing (eyelash glue, latex or spirit gum) sparkles to their genitals.  I believe I would be able to die happy after that. actually said, “Don't worry ladies. You don't put rhinestones right on your labia. They're glued to the pubic area; more specifically the vulva.” (There are no words.) I may be a little out of touch with the female anatomy but last I checked the vulva included the labia.
If this is something that interests someone then they should do their research and more power to them. A famous vajazzler blazing a trail for the public is Jennifer Love Hewitt. There is even a website that explains how to vajazzle like her 

As with any form of body modification; research is key. Personally, I just have piercings (none below my neck line). Before I was willing to let someone stab me with sizeable, hallow needle I needed to get to know them first. Maybe see if I could get a free dinner out of it.
Much like vajazzling, there is a trend of genital piercing.  While men generally stick with the Prince Albert (a piercing that goes through the urethra in the glans and a thin area of skin under the frenulum), women have more options depending on if they wish to pierce the external or internal skin.
 I discussed this topic with my piercer Noel U. and she pointed out aftercare for some genital piercing is different than for others. Talk with the piercer, or read the vajazzling instructions, before you make a decision. Before you do anything that leaves a mark on your body, think about it.


Unknown said...

I would think that any type of adhesive would leave a sticky film wherever it was placed. I never imaged a commercial with the tagline "feeling not so fresh today," might be referring to spirit gum remover.

Jena said...

LOVED this post, and the way you positioned it, pun intended. It seems to me that vajazzling was invented for the individual who is intimidated by "pain". Armatures. Keep the posts coming :)