Monday, March 7, 2011

Remaking Monday: Flirty

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When I try to flirt it looks like something akin to the French film The Dinner Game (Le Diner de Cons). It is hilarious from a distance but embarrassing to take part in. It is much easier for me to flirt with someone that is not in the room (via text message, IM, or E-mail).  That is the foundation for this Remaking Monday post.
To be honest, flirting is a bit of an art form. It requires style, grace and a certain amount of sexuality that is enough to capture interest without going as far as to appear easy. Flirting via technology (Techno Flirting) takes a lot of the stress off. The best thing about this kind of flirting is that someone can attach innuendo to anything. In order to become proficient with techno-flirting I must first explain a very important Sociological principle of sexuality. I call it the “all and nothing” paradox.
Basically, everything is sexual and nothing is sexual. Everything can be interpreted differently and made to have new meanings to different people.
A few thoughts on techno flirting (or flirting in general);
1.       Use phrases that can be interpreted multiple waysGetting a text that spells out exactly what someone wants to do can read like stereo assembly instructions.  Metaphor, figurative language and hyperbole are the techno flirts best friend.
2.       It is a prequel to physical foreplay- As relationships progress foreplay, or as I class it “Step 1”, is often forgotten. The brain is the biggest sex organ. If a person is not mentally aroused then chances are physical arousal is not going to happen.
3.       All about the improv- For the people of the everyday world flirting is never scripted. In situations where flirting is taking place people need to be able to think on their feet and improvise lines as they go along.
4.       Give them a peek not a show- There is a huge difference between flirtations and sexual advances. Here is another way to look at this… It is better to show cleavage than to go topless. As the cliché goes less is more.
5.       Think before you send- Spell check is your best tool. Aside from the typically abbreviations used in text-speak, spelling is very important. No one is turned on by what they can’t understand.
What are some other tips for flirting? Have you ever gotten a text message that made the sender even more appealing? Let me know by commenting here.
Be sure to stay tuned for more posts and next week’s Remaking Monday.

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