Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Product Play: Wet

Friction is a bad thing. No matter what activity is, carpentry not included, friction can cause irritation and discomfort. This is why with sex lubricants are a must. Wet Products are always a good recommendation. Wet makes lubricants for a wide variety of skin types and activities. Never thought skin type played a part in lubricant choice? Think again.
Some lubricants can have chemicals that leave sticky films that feel weird and can cause skin irritation if it is not cleaned within a reasonable amount of time. Wet produces a lot of water-based lubricants which are safer for activities involving penetration. There may be a few silicone-based formulas for specific activities as well.
Wet also produces warming massage lotions and flavored lubricants. There is minimal bitter aftertaste with these products and the water-based ones are easily manageable for your body.
Pick your lubricants wisely. That sounds really funny but, it is serious. Some lubricants, like certain silicone or oil based, can take longer to flush out of your body. There are lubricants that are not condom safe. Read packages and talk to the salesperson/ romance consultant before purchase.
Random Factoid: Never use a silicone-based lubricant with a silicone toy. If the two silicones are not formulated for each other they will end up breaking each other down. This also goes for having multiple silicone toys. Wrap them up individually with non-abrasive fabric. Silk is often recommended.

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